Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Guild Meeting Homework Prep! Blogtoberfest Day #10!!

A few months ago I joined the Calgary Modern Quilt Guild.  Its a fabulous group of ladies that meet up once a month and although I've only been to the first of the last three meetings I've learned so much and have been so inspired by the work I have seen everyone do either at the meetings or online.

I wouldn't consider myself a "modern" quilter but then I'm not a traditional quilter either, I am more a "fly by the seat of my pants" kind of quilter (or at least thats what I tell myself!!!). I love and am inspired by all kinds of quilts and quilters. I would love to be able to create 99% of the stuff that I see online or at my Guild meetings but I keep telling myself that everyone has to start somewhere and that I know 1000x's more and am 100000x better than when I first started quilting 6 years ago. 

Most of the time I'm drawn to bright, crazy, kid friendly fabric OR I go the complete opposite way and take the seriously traditional approach.  That being said I do enjoy most fabric but am a creature of habit and it shows in my fabric purchasting. 

Getting back to the Guild meeting thing, every month we are assigned a homework block to have done before the next meeting.  Being a HORRIBLE student and missing the last two meetings I haven't done those blocks yet {but please don't tell anyone!!! ;)}, BUT since I am totally planning on going this month I know that I need to get going on my block for this month.  Last month apparently we discussed Triadic Colors and since I missed the talk I had NO idea what the heck that meant - thankfully Mr. Google was there to help me!!  What on earth would I ever do without my good friend Mr. Google!?!?   I found a few sites that helped me out like this one.

I did a little research, got out my trusty color wheel (who would have known that one of those would be SERIOUSLY helpful when quilting!?!?!) and then raided my fabric stash.  First off I came up with this:

But then all I could see was TRADITIONAL fabric and nothing that was very modern at all.  I still love the color choices but I decided to see what other fabrics I had hiding in my stash that might be a little bit more modern and a little bigger since these were just small scraps and I wouldn't have had enough fabric for our block. 
I went raiding my fabric stash yet again and found me some Amy Butler....I've had a fat eighth bundle tucked away for at least a year and I haven't know what to do with it until today!  I picked my Triad Color Scheme (look at me dropping the lingo like I actually know what it means!!!) and then I was trying to figure out what my accent color should be. 
I LOVE using cream/white but then I remembered that I got some awesome grey and charcoal fabric a few weeks ago that might actually work.  I decided to lay all three colors down with my three possible accent colors and fell in love with the dark charcoal.  
I have been inspired by the Bee In My Bonnet Row-Along and was completely taken with "row 3" which was basically large chunky chevrons.  So awesome!  Plus I absoutely love love love the fabric that Lori Holt designs and uses in her quilts.  
So after all that rambling  - this is the fabric that I am going to attempt to use to make my first attempt at one of our Guild home work assignments.

Hopefully Mr. C goes to bed at a decent time tonight (anyone have any idea how to make an almost 14 month old sleep?!?!) and then I can attempt to sew the gazillion little squares all into other little squares.  I'll post the finished block when I am able to get it done, hopefully in the next few days.  I've made great progress with the Domestic Handbag quilt and the Eye Spy quilt lately.  I just need to get around to actually finishing stuff one of these days!
Is anyone else impressed that I managed to take something as simple as picking out fabric for a quilt block and turned it into a semi-essay on my lack of Modern Quilting knowledge?!? Heck, I am!!  ;)  Then again picking out fabric is always a challenge for me, perhaps thats another Blog post for another day! 



  1. So I don't know what Triadic Colors are either. From your blog I'm thinking its 3 colors that go well together because the colors you chose are so pretty and look fabulous with that gray. We've made it through Day 10 of the Blogtoberfest. Yay!

  2. Hey Kari,
    Thanks for visiting my blog (Twistfully Yours) and starting to follow me. I love you post on Modern quilting. Not too long ago I came across the Modern Quilt Guild and started searching (in vain) for one near me. Great fabric choices...I would have gone with the grey too!! I am rather new to all of this...what's Blogtoberfest?


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