Sunday, October 14, 2012

Attempting Some Chevrons - and day #14 of Blogtoberfest!!

Wow - I'm almost 1/2 of the way through Blogtoberfest and I totally haven't missed a day yet!  I'm totally enjoying it and I'm glad that I still have something to say although some days I really feel like I'm grasping at straws!

The other day I posted about my guild meeting homework assignment and after a TON of cutting, a few mess ups I have a few rows of my block done:

There are a few wonky blocks that I'll probably have to do again but since it was my first time attempting the elusive Chevron I'm quite happy with it.  Now I have to go and cut a TON more 1.5 inch charcoal squares for the background fabric.  I didn't want to cut all 154 blocks unless I actually liked how the chevrons were looking otherwise it would have been 'hello scrap bag' and onto the next project!  Thankfully so far its working out quite well.

Nothing says "I've been Sewing" like threads on black yoga pants!!  

On that note - Until tomorrow my friends!  Have a fabulous night!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on completing 14 posts for Blogtoberfest. I know how difficult that is since I'm right there with you. I like your chevrons, pretty. Those little threads on your pants are the name of my blog - Hilachas (pronounced long E, la, chas. Hang in there with Blogtoberfest.


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