I love love LOVE little zippered pouches, always have! They are fantastic for change, coupons, pens... pretty much anything that is small you can keep in a little zippered pouch. Every time someone blogs about making a zippered pouch I get a pang of longing to make one myself but zippers scare the bejezus out of me so I've stayed away from them for a long time. When I did my little road trip to
The Quilting Bee in Olds Alberta a few weeks ago I picked up an
Atkinson Designs 'Cash and Carry' pattern for four different little zippered pouches and came with a kit to make the large pouch and then I could conquer my fear of zippers. After trying to figure out how to use fusible fleece (yet another thing I haven't worked with before!) I got to work!
It came with instructions on how to cut down a zipper - have I mentioned before that anything to do with zippers scares me?!?! Well after reading and re-reading the instructions at least 10 times I started hacking away at the zipper and finished the ends with a binding strip. What do you know.....zippers aren't so scary anymore!! ;)
All the pieces of the pouch getting ready to be sewn together...
The finished pouch - I had to tweak it a few times before I got it to how I liked it. I messed up somehow with how long I had the length of the pouch and how small I had the zipper so I had some weird bumps that I managed to cut off and make a little less wonky.
Because it uses the fusible fleece its actually lined in the same black fabric although you can't really tell - I think its super cute!
I think this pouch would have taken me 30 minutes max from start to finish if I didn't have two girls running around the house and one infant that either wanted to eat or be held (and was SCREAMING the rest of the time) so it took me almost all afternoon to get this pouch completed.
Mr C letting me know that he was not impressed with my sewing time today... |
Today was the first time I've been back at my sewing machine in quite a while and I really enjoyed it - hopefully Mr C will let me get some more sewing done soon!
Thanks for stopping by!
I also made a zippered pouch today! I'm giving mine away as a gift. It's my 3rd one to make and it gets easier every time. Zippers scare me too, but not so much anymore. :-) Mr C is cute!