Friday, February 1, 2013

I feel like I'm in a Blogging Funk

Ever have one of those days (or couple of weeks) when you are blogging that you just think to yourself why am I doing this?  Thats been me the past two weeks which is why I haven't blogged about anything.  Sometimes I feel that all I post is stuff in progress and very rarely have an actual Finish to blog about and that must be boring for all of you to read about.

Maybe its just cabin fever getting me down but I just can't shake the blogging funk lately.  Maybe I need to give up on the long blog posts and keep them short and simple for the next little bit....and hopefully that will break up the funk.

I'll post my stitchy squirrel mini-quilt tomorrow or Sunday and hopefully that will get the bloggy roll going again.


  1. once in a while I get into a blogging funk too - one that has helped me is to join a weekly link up group. That way I knew that I had to create and blog. Seeing how productive everyone else was - really inspired me. Now - since I couldn't find a link party just right for art quilters - I started my own and it really means I have to create and blog weekly - grin!

  2. I think we all get into a blogging funk now and then .... can't think what to write, or we doubt ourselves. Think that's when we need a list of blog topics or things that we can write about. It will all come back soon enough and you will be out of the funk. Good luck.

  3. So that's where you've been, Kari. I've been wondering. Hey, you get losts of things done. How about that quilt you finished for your sister. Sister-in-law? The quilt with that strange name that I can never remember. Then you're moving along on your postage stamp quilt, right? I'm thinking that you've already finished taking the Christmas tree down so it's time to get back to your blog. I think you got worn out on Blogtoberfest. I know that I did. I was sick of blogging by the time that was over. I still just manage to blog twice a week so who am I to say someone should blog more often. Sometimes I just manage once a week as will be the case this week. Anyway, I'm always glad to read what you have to say whenever you feel like saying it.


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