Monday, August 20, 2012

Summer.....where did you go?!?!

Oh my goodness, its August TWENTIETH already!  Where oh where did the summer go?!?!  It seems like Miss S just finished preschool a few days ago and I was stressing out about what to do to keep the kids busy for two months.   School for both Miss S and Miss L starts in fifteen days and although I'm so excited for both of them to start school since I know they will have a ton of fun part of me is just dying that my little girls are growing up so fast.  Don't get me started on Baby C - my little man turns 1 this Thursday!!

Let me first back up and try to recount where our summer went - we spent 5 days camping at Gull Lake  a few hours from home which was a ton of fun and the kids loved it.

Then we entered the start of Birthday Season with Miss L turning Three (I still can't believe my little girl is three already!!)

After that we went to Mara Lake in beautiful British Columbia and spent 11 days camping in our beautiful new trailer (I haven't uploaded pictures from my camera and phone yet but they are coming!!).

Next up is my Little Mr. C's (I can't call him Baby C anymore - especially since hes walking already!) birthday this week and then we have one week of relative calm and then the long weekend and BAM its back to school.

On a positive sewing note I'm so happy to say that I've actually gotten a little bit of sewing done the past few days - which as been an amazing boost personally since its nice to get something done that is just for me that doesn't involve cleaning sometimes!  I've been working on my Domestic Handbag quilt for my Sister In Law and I am loving how its turning out so far.  I wish I could post pictures 'in progress' but I don't want to spoil the surprise for her.  We have set a drop dead finish date of the weekend before Halloween to finish each others blankets (shes making me an afghan and I can't WAIT to see it!!!) so I need to seriously get my butt in gear since this is the largest quilt that I have done to date.

So there you have it.  My summer life in a nutshell!  Thanks for checking in and hopefully I'll have some lovely sewing goodness to share with you in the next few days.

1 comment:

  1. Why do they have to grow up so fast?! My little one starts Kindergarten in two days. :( Looking forward to seeing your Domestic Handbag quilt. xo


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